Love (metaphor) | Teen Ink

Love (metaphor)

November 17, 2014
By Cody1998 BRONZE, Melvindale, Michigan
Cody1998 BRONZE, Melvindale, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
turn your wounds into wisdom

Love is but a mere seed,

awaiting its time to grow into a full tree,

but it must go though many stages,

as a tree does as it gets bigger,

when it hurts it dies,

when it doesnt it grows,

this tree will go through many moments,

awaiting for a neighbor tree to grow and wilt away with,

as a new tree stands tall with the first,

they experience alot during their life cycle,

and as they wilt away,

their love dies with them to keep forever,

love is eternal.

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