That Day | Teen Ink

That Day

November 1, 2014
By polinka4God BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
polinka4God BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I’ll never forget that day.
It was that one day in May.

I came home to a hollow sound
And there was no one I found.

I knew that day would come
And I felt just glum.

I felt the emptiness inside
And I just tried.

To get rid of it
But it would just sit.

I looked up to the sky
And I wanted to fly high

Like all those birds
That don’t care a word.

They fly free
Not like me..

They don’t mind the world
That pierces the soul like a sword.

Because I was left alone
That just left me with a moan.

But here I am today
This one day in May

I feel stronger than ever
Because He is with me forever.

The One who was there when I was left alone,
With the despair that shown.

He lifted me up
Like those birds so high

I felt the peace I never felt before
And I couldn’t have asked for more.

I knew it was there,
I even felt it in the air.

And I want you to know
That even if you feel low.

He is there to for you
Only if you knew!

Just rely on Him
And He will fill you up to the brim

With peace, hope, and faith
Which God has saith.

The author's comments:

When you feel like you are in the lowest part of life. That no one cares for you and you feel down. Just look up and you will always know that God is always there for you. He is our Heavenly Father. He knows all the things your going throught. Just run into His arms, let Him hold you in His arms. Let your heart flow free, tell Him everything you feel. Just remember He is always there and is ALWAYS ready to listen to you. Just open your heart...

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