Repetition of a Punk | Teen Ink

Repetition of a Punk

October 20, 2014
By RailGun BRONZE, Saugerties, New York
RailGun BRONZE, Saugerties, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that you throw around words
Those have no meaning
But cause harm
You’re just a machine gun
Fully loaded with hate
Why I’m the only one
That seems to be targeted
Why is it that the murder machine
And their puppets
Only target the dreamers
The freethinkers!
Most of this generation has been molded
Cogs that follow blindly
Why is it that punks, like I
Are doomed to never see our dreams fly
To those at the head of this debachal
I ask
Why does freedom
Come at a price
A price paid by poor
Never the rich
Why is it that
While people are dying in the streets
You sit in your castle
Away from the stink of the dead.
Why is it that we are told lies
Hiding the truths
Locked in the vault
And you through the key out
Why is that to ensure freedom
We must shed blood
Hardly our own
We must shed their blood
Because that’s what ensure freedom
Why is that when someone talks back
Fights back
Thinks freely and stands tall
They are thrown down
Their thoughts cast out
Into the ocean
To drown with the rest
So I say
All you Punks
Raise your voices
Speak those free thoughts
Speak those dreams
They might talk down to you
They might even come at you with guns
But never silence you voices
We aren’t anarchist
We are world changers
The dreamers
The freethinkers
So raise your voices till they listen
And when they do
Ask them

The author's comments:

It started out as a rant about my family but just be came a rant about how a perceive it to be

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