The Feelings Inside | Teen Ink

The Feelings Inside

September 12, 2014
By matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
matta_c99 SILVER, Plainville, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the strongest creatures, yet we are damaged beyond repair."

You can't conceal the pain you feel, the anger deep down inside.

The mixed emotions, the broken poisens.

It's a sign you can't deny.

Just surrender, fix the fender, restore the strength inside.

The lies can't reside. 

Who knew a love like ours could die.

The author's comments:

A broken heart can lead to anything, especially a passion for writing poetry. I believe that this poem can give strength and bring reality up to key for someone because it's practically asking you to look deep down into yourself and admit what you're feeling. Then change what's making you feel like that.

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