Humans | Teen Ink


June 19, 2014
By LaaylaaRZ BRONZE, Newport News, Virginia
LaaylaaRZ BRONZE, Newport News, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As humans, we tend to not see truth with the naked eye,
As humans, we tend to remember only the fault and lie.
As humans, we tend to truly live right before we die.
As humans, we tend to not take risks because we ask why.
As humans, we tend to live in darkness rather live in the light of the sky,
As humans, we tend to blame our sadness on the simple word bye.
As humans, we tend to hind in our shell to be bashful and shy.
As humans, we tend to be ashamed, and hide, and deny.

The author's comments:
I wrote this mainly because I reflected on what I have felt before, and how I act. I felt as if maybe other people felt the same way.

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