To try or not to try? | Teen Ink

To try or not to try?

May 7, 2014
By SydRico BRONZE, Savage, Maryland
SydRico BRONZE, Savage, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To try or not to try? That is the question-
Is it better to work into the wee hours of the morn, to suffer the deprivation after no sleep,
Annoyance of the alarm as the covers struggle to be kicked off, reliance of caffeine to be awake,
Or to ignore the agenda listing “to dos”, sleep without deprivation, and wake up refreshed, Without reliance on a drug to make it through the day?

To try, lack sleep-late nights-completing assignments when all it is, is a grade in a book,
The grade that determines if there is a future, what a student is working towards,
The future that a student is heir to- ‘tis a future that a student devoutly wishes for.

To not try, to sleep, to fail- the good in between two evils, with sleep comes failure that follows, As we lay our head in bed, thoughts of tomorrow come as sorrow, chaos that ensues our future, The doom of the zero in the gradebook, college applications unfinished.
Sleep restores in the dates to come,
To try now ensures the brightness of the future, the deprivation will fade thereafter.
Doing nothing brings nothing downstream.
For who would risk their life down in time, when all risked now is a few hours of zzz’s

The busy nights fighting to stay awake, the pressure to do well now for later,
Tests in school not showing what is known, the nagging of elders to do well,
The long days unfairly leading into work in the night,
When one could call it quits, sleep tight into the night,
Live at ease today, why fret about the future?

Without the fear of the futures uncertainty, who would work,
Dread their days, worry about failure, spend hours on end to complete tomorrows work?
The ambiguity of the days to come propels us,
The never ending work provides security, to surmise our outcome,
Rather than live in the shadows of the unknown
The need to know keeps endeavors going.

Too much fear paralyzes, a healthy dose advances,
Take actions that put life on a current to brightness,
Lose those that lead to utter uncertainty.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by Shakespeare's "to be or not to be".

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