Growing Hay | Teen Ink

Growing Hay

April 19, 2014
By AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
AshleighLynne SILVER, Buena Vista, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The seasons changing
It is time to plant the field
Or later the horses will not eat
Long hours will be spent the tractor
The day starts early and goes late
It will all be worth it in the end

The ground looks like it is never going to end
Layout of the day is not changing.
If a plan was made the driver will be late-
Just one more row needs to be done in the field.
Think broncs’ buck? Feel this old tractor.
Hopefully tomorrow I will remember to eat.

Only five minutes to eat;
There will be more when this is at an end.
Passing time by reading a book while driving this tractor
These low gears are barely changing.
It would help my back if there weren’t dinosaur eggs in the field,
Light skies when it’s nine at night never felt so late.

If the ground doesn’t get picked up it’ll be too late.
Nothing would be of quality for but cows to eat.
After some time we will let the horses in the field
But not until this driving comes to an end.
Sitting here nothing in the world seems to be changing
Hopefully nothing will break on this 76’ tractor.

A lucky a prairie dog will run, and stop running by the tractor
Shooting makes the day feel not quite so late;
Ammo supply is always changing.
The best dogs to get are those who eat.
All life comes to an end,
Some are sooner than others in the field.

The motors gone near a dozen laps round the field,
Almost time for annual fixing on the tractor
Maybe it is near seasons end
This is the last day to be out late
Now to stack all the animals will eat.
The whole year will soon be changing.

The field and work are always changing
When it comes to an end there is plenty to eat
Maybe it’s not so bad to be on a tractor that late.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem because I am really interested in agriculture and I wish I could drive tractors all day. This poem is a picture of what the summer/growing season looks like for a farmer.

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