Eyes are alike | Teen Ink

Eyes are alike

April 14, 2014
By Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Andrea.Michellee GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Generation after generation the traits in my family differed continuously. Half has hair as silky as fresh satin sheets laid gently on the bed. while the other half has curly vivacious hair. On the same path of equality our skin color differs as well. It goes from pale shades of tan to dark shades of a mocha blend. What truly sets my family apart from each other though is their eyes.

The eyes are like the shiny stars. The money maker you could say to our faces. Each of our eyes are big and round like a childs eyes when it’s curious with life questions. our eyes lashes extend out as far as possible and slightly curved. Sort of like the curve in a parabola in a math equation.

The change in color though is what really makes our eyes the main asset! They change with the tones in our moods. What ever color your eyes is it always changes to lighter and darker tones.

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