Paddling is like a rubberband | Teen Ink

Paddling is like a rubberband

February 26, 2014
By CF_TC98 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
CF_TC98 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yoda- "Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future."

Trying to keep my balance
and not fall into the cool water.
Plopping my butt on a
uncomfortable seat.
I grab my paddle, I see
crystal clear water in front of me.
Pushing off the dock we start our adventure.
Hearing the groan of water as the
paddles C strokes hit it. Feeling
that cool morning air on my skin. At first it drags on.
Minutes, then hours pass by.
My arms aching with the thought of,
“When do we get to our first portage?”.
I keep on paddling on, which leads us to
our first portage. Thinking it might relieve
the pain in my arms, I was wrong.
Realizing that its not a break, I go on.
Heaving our packs on our back we head onto the trail.
Its a beautiful sight, seeing the nature in
its fullest. Before I know, I step in
mud and get stuck. Being careful to not fall
I escape the sticky slim. At the end the
forest clears and I see more transparent
water. Then I head back into the forest
onto the trail, to get the other packs and maybe
a canoe. After we have everything, I jump into
my canoe with Gus and keep on paddling.
The confidence in each other is
our fuel. It makes my day to see the clear blue
sky and taste the water as it drizzles down
the paddling into my mouth. Those long days become short.
It gives me time to think, to think about whatever
is happening in my life. When we leave I am kind of grateful
but right as we leave I always want to go back and
keep on paddling.

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