A Teenager's Perspective | Teen Ink

A Teenager's Perspective

February 26, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hometown is a small
city in central Alabama.
The place where I am being raised
is a place that I want to flee from.
I just wish that I could
leave here and never come back.
I am tired of seeing the
same people all the time.
There is just not enough
for me to do here.
I wish that our town was more like
Birmingham or Mobile.
Its not that I do not
like where I am from
its just that I am tired of
living here.
But I guess I will just have to stay
in Montgomery until I graduate high school.

The author's comments:
A teenager perspective of where she is from.

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