I Did Not Do My Homework | Teen Ink

I Did Not Do My Homework

February 18, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I did not do my homework
And I have so many excuses
I did not know we had homework.
I forgot to do it.
I had to cook dinner.
I had to do chores.
I had a doctor’s appointment.
I had a dentist appointment.
I my computer was not working.
My printer was not working.
I had to go grocery shopping.
My dog got sick.
The homework caught on fire.
I had basketball practice.
I did not feel like it.
My dog died.
My cat died.
My pet fish named Bubbles died.
And Fifth,
My best friend's dog died.
It was not my priority.
I had better things to do.
I had to watch my favorite television show.
Today I did not do my homework
And I have so many excuses

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