Daddy's Girl | Teen Ink

Daddy's Girl

November 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Recently overturned
the sand behind the glass begins to fall
dew off a petal on an early spring morning

at the window
she waits for a sign

innocent laughter
oblivious to reality
spun into a fantasy,
an adventure
only them

three quarters full
the sand behind the glass descends
tears down a cheek

at the window
she’s been waiting for a sign

a memory
in the chair, he sits
as the raw emotion runs
down his face

half full
the sand behind the glass sinks
fog settling after a storm

at the window
the moments come to wait for a sign

limited time
awkwardness turns to familiarity
monotonous problems
a once indecisive mind
becomes decisive

one quarter full
the sand behind the glass plummets
bombs on Hiroshima

disgusted by the window
she prays for no signs

hatred swells
as depression sets in
sitting in silence
the decisive mind returns
a startling conclusion

the sand behind the glass sits
wet dirt upon a coffin

to the window
she glances

unexpected signs
a familiar voice
becomes a match
sparking the inferno
that once took so long to extinguish

the glass waits
to be overturned once again
and set free the sand
that so long fell

the window shatters
she’s not there to witness
the destruction

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