Reconcilliation | Teen Ink


November 6, 2008
By Anonymous

'Tis is notthe dark shadow that bestows God's secret,
what does he hide from us if he himself has not but 1 secret?
Lord!'Twas it not thrice that thy hast concieved such an unknown velocity?
Dust thou confess for being at a loss of an explanation?
Lest it be that not 1 soul of which thy eyes rape with glory, escpae from thy needy grasp?
A generous coping with thou, shant we all not be here if not for thee.
That must be thee's secret.

The author's comments:
This [iece is basically about how we might not always see the "good" side to life. How we feel we dont belong "here." Nothing can stop you from feeling that way, but whatever you believe in, whether it be science or God, you were put here for a reason. how cleshay, right? maybe thats the way life is, a cleshay cycle that we all must adapt to.

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