"Drowning Terrors" | Teen Ink

"Drowning Terrors"

October 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Drowning in the water,
The world's sea,
The weight on my shoulders,
Drags me down further.

I close my eyes,
The water is gone,
But terrors fill my vision,
Hopes and dreams destroyed.

I'm crying now,
I open my eyes,
The water surrounds me,
Drains into my lungs.

I can't close my eyes,
Can't face the horrors of,
Red water running from my heart,
Death is better then these horrors.

People I love watch me,
Too busy arguing screaming fighting,
They can't see me at the edge,
Drowning with their troubles.

I try to cry,
But nothing happens,
I try to close my eyes,
But they won't move.

I can't move,
It's over and done with,
So I just walk on,
An empty ocean in their presence.

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