Untainted Love | Teen Ink

Untainted Love

October 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Like a guardian Angel,
You are there when I need you most,
With untainted beauty glowing in the Sun's radiance,
Your presence overwhelms me with unbelievable joy.

Like an addicts ecstasy,
You are the one I always crave,
My tender heart selfishly desiring more,
More of your amazing charm and implausible smile,
Your intense personality and insane beauty,
Your pure perfection.

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this poem was in the form of a very special girl that I fell head over heals for! The only way I could express my love for her was through poetry.

I compared my love to her with addiction because I was completely addicted to how perfect she was and how happy I felt talking to her!

She may have broken my heart but I still believe she is a truly amazing girl and deserves the world!

I hope you enjoyed my poem!

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