Steel Silhouettes | Teen Ink

Steel Silhouettes

November 27, 2013
By leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Our journey as human beings is not about following a pre-ordained path, but about creating that path. Life rarely makes any more sense when things are done 'in order'. Life makes sense when we are centered in our hearts. -Peter Pan

Love is a star shooting in every heart
Perhaps north and south are never too far
A bridge with the strength of steel
No barrier forged will us tar

Our love will never die
Not even after bodies fade
The heart’s essence shall glow
And all the memories we had made

Up in the sky, we dance eternally
Waltzing among the stars and moon
Eyes and hearts are as one
And we shine even more at midnight’s noon

Our silhouettes cast down to earth
For all to see our shadow
Lying to the heights of mountains
To the rainbow depths of the meadow

The steel of our hearts will not ever rust
Break nor damage contain
This feeling inside, all the most powerful
Even the world was able not to retain

The author's comments:
The depths of love

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