Love Me | Teen Ink

Love Me

November 26, 2013
By Dorothie GOLD, San Diego, California
Dorothie GOLD, San Diego, California
18 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I feel like I’m hated by the people I love the most.
I feel like a burden.
I feel selfish,
And I feel ugly,
And I feel that my soul is
Just as hideous
As my being.
I can’t believe that he loves me.
I can’t believe that he loves me.
No matter how much he says it.
Is anyone there?
Every time I need help, it seems to be just out of reach.
So when I have it available
I don’t need it anymore.
I can’t believe that he loves me.
So maybe he doesn’t.
Maybe he hates me,
Maybe this is a joke,
Maybe after all this time
He was just taking from me what he can;
My heart;
My soul;
And my body;
All belong to him.
And I feel as if I haven’t received any in return.
I am his,
and he swears he is mine,
yet I gave him proof
and I still hold nothing
as broken
or more
than I was before.

I don’t want to believe it.
I don’t want to think it.
I want him to love me.
I want him to love me.
Let him love me.
if it’s even possible.


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