Linoleum Whisper | Teen Ink

Linoleum Whisper

November 21, 2013
By Linds0298 BRONZE, HANOVER, Massachusetts
Linds0298 BRONZE, HANOVER, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“This story never really had a point. It’s just a lull - a skip in the record. We are addresses in ghost towns. We are old wishes that never came true. We are hand grenades (and every word you say pulls the pin). We are all gods, we are all monsters.”
― Pete Wentz, The Boy With The Thorn In His Side

The scintillas of infection,
contusions of the heart
items brought to my attention
lost until second thought

Those words they beat and broke you dead
iron fists of verse
burdens tied and wrapped with lead
cadance toward a hearse.

You’re painted black with tarnished gold
a plea lost in static
a brushstroke bruised in my own hold
artwork in the attic.

We’re left biting chalk-stained sidewalks
with bloodshot eyes slammed shut
with lustful hands who long to talk
not with lips but uppercuts.

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