I Am a Song | Teen Ink

I Am a Song

October 19, 2008
By Green.Eyed.Girl BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Green.Eyed.Girl BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People are only what they make themselves to be. Words only mean what you wish to interpret them as. And the past, is only what you wish to remember"-Toni Reiter

Listen Very Closely
I am a song
You hear my title and you think you understand my meaning, but my words are so deceiving. My music might confuse you as my lyrics play in your head. My melody may be misleading as it hides my harmony. What no one knows is that if you understand me, my harmony becomes crazy.

Listen very close and you can hear my head-banging drummer and my crazy
guitarist. They are hidden in the background. What most people don’t hear or see is
the other side of me because it is hidden by my happy harmony. As my harmony
may crash, and my music may roar, the melody’s the mask, making me seem
Never really stopping to think that maybe there is more meaning to me. Try to listen to me over a few times, over and over again. Behind every song is a story. Not many know all the lyrics to my life.

It does not matter to me if you do not like my melody, but just do not try to change
me. My music and lyrics are already changing and growing on my own. My notes
change as I become angry, happy, sad. Cries at low notes, laughter at high notes,
both passing throughout me.
Interpret me different ways; the only person who will ever understand me is the singer. Change the singer, like night and day, it will be totally different. I know. Other singers have tried to sing parts of me or fix me, it just cause me more problems.

There are other songs that have tried to pull me down. Tried to make me drown, in
the ocean of music. I try to erase my low notes and replace them with high notes, but
that does not always work.
The good thing about being a song is there are people that will never get tired of my sound. People that know that the top is where I am bound. These people are the ones that do not just toss me out with the old top ten hits, but keep me around for each others happiness.

I bring joy to others, which I love to do. As others say, music makes the world go
round. Sound equals life and song equals passion and love.

You hear my title and you think you understand my meaning, but my words are so deceiving.
Interpret me in different ways; the only person who will really understand me is my singer.
Change my singer, like day and night, totally different.
As my harmony may crash, my music may roar. My melody’s the mask, making me perfect…

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