The Skeptic's Fantasy | Teen Ink

The Skeptic's Fantasy

October 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Deny the truth
Until there's nothing left,
But reasons to create
Mismatched stories
Concluded with faulty endings.
Make it what you want it to be
Then everything's fine;
Anything that isn't can be fixed.
Conform to what they tell you -
Belive in a lie.
Replace your thoughts for their's -
Now you're living the lie.

In the end,
It all becomes with big labyrinth
Where fact is held captive.
You begin to create a world
Where brains weren't made for thinking.
They're just something to put under
Your designer hat that they tell you
Is made of the most expensive material.
When really,
It's constructed of me.
My pity and sympathy for those of you
Who are so confused
That you can't even think for yourself.

One day,
This all will become a reality -
Recognized by millions.

That's the skeptic's fantasy.

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