Gravity | Teen Ink


October 21, 2013
By Katie Lastfogel BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Katie Lastfogel BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gravity- Rondeau

Gravity pulling the crisp leaves down,
wind picking them up off the ground.
Just as bird they fly,(simile)
soaring upwards, into the sky.
Here is where you can hear their sound.

The leaves wanting to be found.(personification)
Yet, their cry, in the wind, drowned.
Nobody to listen to their cry.
Gravity pulling the crisp leaves down.

As I look at the trees, all of which crowned.
I see the majesty of the leaves, of which surround.
Wanting to give them the attention deserved, I let out a sigh.
At yet again another cry.
I am struck by this season, how the autumn astounds.
Gravity pulling the crisp leaves down.

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