This Is Who I Am | Teen Ink

This Is Who I Am

October 9, 2013
By Shay918 BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Shay918 BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest"

I am not the prettiest, I am not the smartest but I am me.
I’m just the average teenage girl everyone would love to see.
From the criss cross to the started from the bottom I am that girl.
I’m just an unusual girl that no one understands.
I walk around living in this cold world.
I am not the cutest, I am not the smartest, I’m just me.
I love being goofy and silly I love the color blue and most people
Don’t understand what I go through.
I’m the kindest, sweetest person on earth and all I have to say
Is I’m just me Shanyia Diamond Finley.
Like it or love it I enjoy this thing called my life.

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