Who Am I. I Don't Know | Teen Ink

Who Am I. I Don't Know

September 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Who am I, I don't know
Its been the same, the story is getting old
I line up all the questions to find
That no answers come to mind

I stare into the mirror
But nothing gets clearer
I see nothing staring back
There's no more telling fiction from fact

I take myself apart piece by piece
Still no pressure is decreased
When will I finally be released
When will I live in peace

Who am I, I don't know
I'm a mystery, end of story, case closed
For a girl who easily shines
She is just so impossible to find

I reminisce on the past
But it seems like a rough draft
I just can't find my way back
Because it's organization that I lack

I search thoroughly through and through
I can't find me no matter what I do
I'm running out of time
The shows starting, it's my turn to shine

Who am I, I don't know
I'm the lines on the paper
I'm the story untold
I'm the plot that needs to unfold

Who am I, I don't know
Its been the same, the story is getting old
I line up all the questions to find
That I had all the answers in the back of my mind

The author's comments:
If you like my poetry please go to my website: www.Poetrypoem.com/Poetic2716

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