Dear Mother, | Teen Ink

Dear Mother,

September 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Many things have changed
Trust me; we all still feel the pain
But don't think for a moment,
Your sacrifices go unnoticed

You have showed me true heroism,
A kind of bravery that only comes from a mother's undying love
You have showed me what a true victory is,
Triumphing over my own insecurities,pain, and everyone else's doubts
You taught me not to follow a well treaded path,
But make my own trail

Well, smiles can make your day shine brighter than the sun,
Nothing is over till you say its' done
When we ask for your opinion, we know it's not always so true
With everything little thing you do
My love for you increases
And god can't fix your heart, unless you don't give him all the pieces

The author's comments:
This is the letter/Poem that give to mother on Mother's day.

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