Crimson Red | Teen Ink

Crimson Red

September 28, 2008
By Anonymous

Show me the jaded lies,
wither with the faded cries,
cause I've seen this city burned
before my stomach turned

I don’t think I'll be the guy
who laughs before he dies,
cause I've watched the knots and ties

I, wont be proven wrong
Cause I've walked for far to long.

Show me the jaded lies,
wither with the faded cries,
cause I've seen this city burned
before my stomach turned

Tied so loose, resemblance of a hang mans noose,
did you see the city burned
from carless ambition, and all our cars ignition
nuclear fission blended with a meaningless mission.
The sun sets a crimson;

Our soldiers bodies filled with lead,
and our hearts with regret and dread,
leaving our children dead;
while the sun sets a crimson red.

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