Never Again | Teen Ink

Never Again

September 30, 2008
By Anonymous

You couldn't have kept your promise,
The only one I wanted you to keep.
You promised and thats forever,Yes it means something to me.
My tears stain the note,
You so carefully wrote.
The words are blurred I can not see.
Nothing around seems real to me.
Why did you do it?
Was it me?
You never meant to keep it.
When you told me you'd be there.
I still remember you casually playing with my hair.
You told me that you loved me,
and togther we'd be in each other's arms.
But that was a lie,
Where are you now?
Your lying in front of me, deep in the ground.
Was it something I said?
Something I did?
That caused you to end it like this?
I'll never feel your warmth again.
Just a distant memory brought by the chill of the wind.

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