Not Enough | Teen Ink

Not Enough

September 29, 2008
By Anonymous

She is not enough
She is not enough
But this girl
Is just too much.

She is not as small
As I would like to see.
She is not as tall
As I would like her to be.

She is not enough
She is not enough
But this girl
Is just too much.

Her eyes are brown
Bland as can be.
And when I look at her
Misery is what I see.

She is not enough
She is not enough
But this girl
Is just too much.

She had one chance
And she blew it by.
She will see how lucky she was
The day she will die.

She is not enough
She is not enough
But this girl
Is just too much.

Failed attempts
At justifying.
Only leave her
Embarrassed and crying.

She is not enough
She is not enough
Soon comes the day
When she will just give up.

The author's comments:
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed, or overwhelming to other people. Our everyday insecurites and anxieties eat us up.

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