Sometimes I... | Teen Ink

Sometimes I...

September 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Sometimes I stand in a crowd and still feel alone
Sometimes I hear someone’s problems and feel like they’re my own
Sometimes I sleep and still feel awake
Sometimes I sit in silence and get a headache
Sometimes I get cut but I feel no pain
Sometimes I don’t feel anything when standing in pouring rain
Sometimes I look at people and I see nothing at all
Sometimes I get pushed over but I just don’t seem to fall
Sometimes I eat but I just can’t taste
Sometimes I am a good person but I still feel two-faced
Sometimes I love someone but I just don’t seem to care
Sometimes I will talk to people and forget they’re there
Sometimes I dream of happy things and still I wake up scared
Sometimes I keep things to myself and they still feel shared
Sometimes I want to die and I just can’t stop living
Sometimes I want to hate but I cant stop forgiving
Sometimes I am calm while I’m frustrated
Sometimes I am told I did well but I feel unappreciated
Sometimes I am so happy to be mad
Sometimes I do something awesome then regret I had
Sometimes I start things that I really just want to end
But sometimes the only thing I’m sure of is that I need a friend

The author's comments:
I wrote this peice because I just had to get these emotions out and I think this is something many people can relate to.

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