The White, The Black, and The Grey | Teen Ink

The White, The Black, and The Grey

June 1, 2013
By KmickeyC BRONZE, Mountain City, Tennessee
KmickeyC BRONZE, Mountain City, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's better to believe it, and not see it, than to see it, and not believe it.

Once, on a full moon.
On one mystic night.
Two wolves stumbled together.
One black, one white.

The black one was Kuro.
Death meaning his name.
He was a tortured soul.
A retched heart to tame.

The white was Kiyoshi.
Purity in her heart.
She loved the troubled wolf.
Couldn't stand to be apart.

He wanted her safe.
For his child she would bare.
He's take her to valley.
He knew she would be safer there.

She trudged along in pain.
A knife through her womb.
He pushed her a little farther.
He knew they'd be there soon.

She fumbled to the ground.
No farther could she go.
Red matted her fur.
Like roses in winter snow.

She howled her last cry.
He watched in defeat.
His daughter was born.
And his wife drifted to sleep.

She never woke up.
Still asleep under that tree.
But for Kuro and his daughter.
Now where could they be?

The grey wolf, Izuna,
A tough bugger she is.
Brave as her father.
The beautiful daughter of his.

He wanted her safe.
So when she was only three.
He knew she'd be safe.
In the Safe Haven Valley.

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