Never knows best | Teen Ink

Never knows best

September 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Most people are afraid to let their inner self show;
I'm not that type of person neither am i though i confess;
I'm just in the middle of things that all.

Never knows best....

Being 19 hasn't made me change one bit,In fact I'm still the same kid with that same smile that just won't go away;
I guess i live in what we call a "fairy tale";
But i rather like it.

Never knows best...

I haven't got a plan for today neither for tomorrow;
Blame it on my youth, blame my love on my common childish mistakes;
I don't know how else to live and i'm tired of living for other people anyway.

Never knows best....

I'm ready to free fall once again lord so bless my wondering spirit in this cursed city....

Never knows best.

The author's comments:
One day i will be a poet and when i do i'm change the world.Listen to the tunes fellow fans of peace save yourself and you will be free.


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