And They Parted | Teen Ink

And They Parted

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

All was lost; they were lost when one became two.
You let her down , and all she had left were receipts signed by you.
A check you couldn’t cash, her bank denied your loan.
Yet who had to pay the price for the things you said to a phone.
A lie nevertheless, words cut like knives.
Now you both have to pay the price for the tears you tried to hide.

She was forced to enter a world, all carved in her dreams.
Hallucinations clouded her mind, happiness is what it seems.
She swallowed her past, a bitter shame,
With a cup of water thinking she would feel sane.
But life goes on and so before long, so did she.
She became a new woman, with new found clarity.

Now he secretly envies her, because she’s found herself.
And maybe one day he’ll call and ask for help.
And she’ll remember those words that were said on the phone
And know that in her heart, they have no hold.
Soon, maybe he’ll learn to accept and move on.
But until then he’ll have to live with the scorn.

And she’s having the time of her life, no longer in a rut,
Because the pain to love and let go equals the beautiful breakup.

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