"Revenge" | Teen Ink


September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Anger possesing me.
Hate fueling my motives.
Imagining your blood spilling on the ground.
Staining the disasterous tile with crimson.
Your body limp and cold.
Your heart resting, your thoughts dissapear to a void of no return.
Taking what isn't mine, as you heartlessly did to me.
Revenge taking root, wanting to come undone.
Listening to your bones crack.
My pen continues to write and the thoughts within my head take coarse.
My body growing weaker.
The demon child within myself begining to take control
as my eyes grow cold and my mind dark without light.
This is my revenge to those who could care less.

The author's comments:
Anger fueled my motives and emotions creating this piece of work.

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