Paint me how you see me | Teen Ink

Paint me how you see me

September 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I don’t know how you see me
But let colors flow through your mind
If you don’t like watercolor I’ll do finger instead

Just don’t leave me blank
Don’t make me an unused hidden canvas
If I’m unusable okay just tell me let me go away

But I want to be painted
I need to be painted
I want to be painted

Because if you paint me than you see who I am
Or at least you’re trying
That let’s me know that you care

You care about what you see
You care about what you see when you look at me
Paint me blues and greens too

Or don’t paint me if that’s how you truly feel
If I’m not fiery no zest or appeal
Just leave me a blank slate hidden from the rest of the world because that’s what you see when you look at me

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