On the Inside | Teen Ink

On the Inside

September 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I sit on my bed
Look out the window and I see birds building nests and children playing
I'm always on the inside
I'm always the one to look out
For once I would like to be on the outside looking in
This is my own little world to be able to see past these walls these four doors which one will lead me to hope, happiness, and love
I want to see past these walls
Know whats on the outside
So I won't be on the inside looking out
If I were able to know what was behind these four doors the obsticles of my life I would be a better person
If everyone was like me
If everyone wanted to escape their own world the real world would be a better place too and a better place to all.

The author's comments:
This poem is based on one of the characters I like to make up this character is a confused young girl that dosn't know what to do when she has to make a very difficult choice.

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