My story | Teen Ink

My story

September 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I am from a strong line of women in my family trying to be as strong, but knowing it might not happen
I am from an abusive father who never cared once what his drinking might do, not caring if he harmed his two daughters
I am from a loving family and knowing that if i try my hardest thats good enough for them
I am from a abusive home where i have left now for almost two years, realizing that i may be as strong as my sister and knowing that the home where i am now no one would ever harm me
I am from a place in my life where i am transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly getting ready to hatch and spread my wings and fly away
I am here to stay no one can ever break me down again and if i do fall i will stand back up without a problem and make everything ok and take it in stride
I am saying that i will live laugh and love and never quit trying becuase i know that if i do stop trying it will be my time to go away

The author's comments:
i hope that anyone who has gone through abuse can read this and know that they can be srtong and leave that situation and get through it and stand strong

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