Back To Me | Teen Ink

Back To Me

April 11, 2013
By hamkel BRONZE, Orem, Utah
hamkel BRONZE, Orem, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How is it that I miss you so much when you don't miss me back.
Back to the past of you and me is where my memories go.
Go away, get out of my thoughts.
Thoughts always of you.
You don't care.
Care so much for you when i shouldn't.
Shouldn't want to kiss your lips.
Lips that are lost of words to say.
Say nothing.
Nothing means everything.
Everything you said or did.
Did you really care?
Care enough to push me out of your life.
Life is hard.
Hard to erase you from my mind like you erased me.
Me, I, just want you back.

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