please, do not reach for the stars | Teen Ink

please, do not reach for the stars

September 1, 2008
By Anonymous

'cos I won't reach fo the stars,
I find the stars reaching for me,
they call my name; i feel absurd.
but I won't trust something I can barely see,
Then again, I am quite unhappy
As well as stuck in a place of compacency.
"Why shouldn't I give it a shot?" i reason with myself.
So I turnto the stars and ask politely for help.
At that moment they grab my limbs-I can't get away.
They take me to a place where I don't want to stay.
Some think the stars are lovely,
But when you get involved with them, man it gets ugly.
I'm just glad I made it through that day,
The stars kidnapped me and took me away.

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