Garage Sale | Teen Ink

Garage Sale

September 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Learning how to bend the knee
My friend Grady was teaching me
It is weird at first
I got used to it

But I still fell…

And fell…

And fell…

I try something harder
After I got good of coarse
I am on the chairlift
Waiting anxiously for the next run
I get off the chairlift
Going down the side of the run that I will conquer
But I was wrong
And after a few bend of the knees
I was down hard as an avalanche

Two ski poles…

Two gloves…

But that wasn’t it you see
Telemark skies are suppose to stay on your feet
But that didn’t happen

So there went a ski…

And another…

That was a fun day a coarse
I learned how to tele
That was the real way to ski
So now I look back and laugh
And I know that my crash
Was indeed a garage sale

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