Emmett's Hymn | Teen Ink

Emmett's Hymn

February 12, 2013
By Camillia Fayyazi BRONZE, Boiling Springs, South Carolina
Camillia Fayyazi BRONZE, Boiling Springs, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think reluctantly upon a distant shore,
That placard of choice is miles away –
Sweet child, I wanted more
Than tranquil hope speckled with a superfluous sea,
Gaspard knew before us all of the tremulous roar
Of the furled scarlet sheets, and of violence galore.
Intransigent eyeglasses cover their souls.

With empty hands I offer you a multitude of pleas,
To throw aside the iv’ry cloak of pejorative disease.

I am telling you that tarmac cannot be mollified;
The certain source of anger will be asphalt, say my peers.
Hardened with a fallacy, an imprint that they tried.
To speak – perchance, to see – would prove a beneficial sight,
Rather than indulge in stains of victory and pride.
Let the colorful variance of the upright keys collide;
And now that Debussy has bowed, let Thelonious proceed.

They have built His altar, have heard His trumpet cry,
Do we know what it is to watch the shrewder die?

The author's comments:
This piece is written in memorial of Emmett Till, a fourteen-year-old boy who endured the ruthlessness of racial discrimination.

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