Trees Unclimbed | Teen Ink

Trees Unclimbed

August 16, 2008
By Anonymous

summer of hopes and dreams
endless rain and controversies
walking down the road waking up to the morning light
swimming in endless pools, shadows bright
breathing the new life, new look, new love
watching arrogant attitudes, swerving streets, almost lost
just laying low to see who else can shine
stretch, feel relieved
feeling wind, whirling, damp, and cold
coming back from lost minds, hope, love
taking in this contemporary art
running into trees, unclimbed
waking up to bursting hearts, unthinkable minds
jumping iron bars, fierce, ready to be broken down
passionate love given in, high in dosage
resilient hearts, secure minds, quandary thoughts
incessantly skipping through puddles from fallen rain oh so assiduous
coasting through fields un beau jour ensoleillé
complex thoughts, simple minded
remmus fo sepoh dna smaerd

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