I Miss You | Teen Ink

I Miss You

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

I wish that everyday we saw eachother
had no end
Time can be a curse that can never be broken
And it went all to fast for us
I mean these words with my heart and soul
I miss you
my heart
my body
It aches at the thought of not seeing you again
I wish I could say that things will be the same
but saying that would be a lie
Oh, what would I give just for one more day
one more day
where things are the way they used to be
but it's a day that I know will never come
You've made a place in my heart
and it can never be filled by anyone else other than you
If you only knew how much you really did for me
and what it ment
All I ask of you
is to never forget me
because forgetting you
would be all to hard to do
Please remember
that there's someone thinking of you
caring about you
and loving you too.

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