I'll be yours | Teen Ink

I'll be yours

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

You complete me with everything you do,
This feeling i have is so new.
The way you look at me makes me smile,
Then im happy just for a while.
When im away from you i dont feel quite right,
Thats when i wish you were in my site.
Your touch is the only thing that makes me weak,
Your love is what im trying to seek.
You have my heart this you should know,
Within each day is grows and grows.
I want you to kno that im here for you always,
I'll be yours all of my days.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by somone i am in love with, everything thats written in this poem is how he makes me feel.What i want for all of you to get out of this is that if you feel the way i feel in this poem,about the person you love chances are your in love.Love is what makes everything happen if you didnt love somone you wouldnt do anything for them,when you love you care,when you care,thats when you have the things you need.If your parents didnt love you,you wouldnt have the things you needed.If your husband or wife didnt love you,you wouldnt be married,if your freinds didnt love you,you wouldnt have their trust.Love to me is a beautiful thing and i hold it deep in my heart.

Thank you,

Michelle Carr

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