"Left Aside" | Teen Ink

"Left Aside"

August 1, 2012
By Wired_To_Inspire PLATINUM, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
Wired_To_Inspire PLATINUM, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
49 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your mind fights the battles, but your heart wins the war." -Liz Ruth

I thought I’ve moved on,
it was just those simple actions I’ve moved in upon.
I didn’t give up. You just quit.
It’s rather sad that you had to make a fit.
You came,
I remained the same.
You’ve had a chance,
but you didn’t move, you took a stance.
Instead of just forgetting,
you’ve kept your heart still and setting.
I left a sigh,
and you left a goodbye.


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