Not a Dream but Reality | Teen Ink

Not a Dream but Reality

June 4, 2012
By Megz244 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
Megz244 BRONZE, Chaska, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If nothing goes right... go left.

All I can hear is the ringing of the silence
See the shedding of tears
Smell the flowers
Feel the absence of laughter
Watch the fading sight of smiles
The long passing of time

All I wanted was time
Never to hear this dreadful silence
Rather to see her smiles
Never have to hold in the tears
Just hear her giggling and laughter
Running together through the fields of flowers

I want to go to her and give her the wild flowers
The feeling of never ending time
The non-stop laughter
Sounds filling the silence
The joyful tears
Greeted with glowing smiles

I can see her smiles
In her hair filled with flowers
There were no joyless tear
Nothing stealing our time
We didn’t hear the voice of silence
Just our laughter

In this reality there is no laughter
No more of her smiles
They’re gone and replaced with silence
All I can see is dead flowers
Dead, they lost their time
Just like her, for both I shed my tears

I feel the drips of my tears
I can’ make that same laughter
But I’ll repair over time
I will fake a smile
Curse at the beautiful flowers
Wishing, wishing her voice would fill up the never ending silence.

The author's comments:
I saw a picture of a person at a funeral mourning the loss of their loved one. I used that image to create this poem. I wanted them to think of the happy times they had but also of the reality of the world they will be living in without their loved one.

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