Hugs and Edamame | Teen Ink

Hugs and Edamame

May 22, 2012
By mreed752 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
mreed752 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in God, edamame, and that it’s unnecessary to shower everyday.

I believe that college funds are ridiculous and cheese is the best dairy product created.

I believe pressure from a good hug can relieve stress and that politics should be simplified.

I believe divorce is the new fad and painting your nails is completely pointless yet beautiful.

I believe you have a higher self-esteem when you’re tan and that everyone can be smart, it’s a matter of how hard they want to try.

I believe that everyone has a someone and that it’s okay to have chocolate after lunch and dinner.

I believe it’s overrated to dress up for school and that marriage is a one-time thing.

I believe Friday’s are for country music and that everything is mental, you can do anything you set your mind to.

I believe my parents are world’s most self-less people and that it’s okay to eat food out of its container with no dishes or proper silverware.

I believe that good weather makes you have a more positive outlook on life and that exercise and eating healthy is the ONLY way to lose weight.

But most of all I believe life is precious and Red Mango after rollerblading with friends can make anyone’s day.

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