Forget-Me-Not | Teen Ink


May 4, 2012
By SapphireLamour DIAMOND, Omaha, Nebraska
SapphireLamour DIAMOND, Omaha, Nebraska
60 articles 0 photos 22 comments

As you plant these seeds in the shade of a tree
Pray forget not to plant one in your heart for me.

They shall grow in all weather.
Spring up and sprout, entangled together.

Just as they arise each year
So do the memories so dear.

At least I hope you will forget me not
Even over the years we lose a lot.

Yet even should you forget me ever
I’ll remember you forever

Though we may both grow old and gray
And though our memories shall fray

I’ll remember you till I die
When cold in the grave lay I.

For your memory dances on and on and on
Until the rising of this world’s last dawn.
At which time we’ll come face to face
In a far more beautiful place.

Then at last we can be together
For an eternity, forever.

Though when we die much woe will be begotten
Remember that we still are not forgotten.

Our memories are not lost - not the rough, harsh, sweet, or kind.
We are forever remembered by the ones we left behind.

In this way our memories truly dance on
Until the rising of this world’s last dawn.

But for now just plant the seed
And my words forever heed.


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