tears to hang | Teen Ink

tears to hang

March 7, 2012
By aerojay BRONZE, North Bellmore, New York
aerojay BRONZE, North Bellmore, New York
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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I hung all my despair up to dry.
Hung above are tears from unkept promises.
Just below is something meant to hide. While my feelings show the true abidance for me to seek out who I really am because I'm for to stuck up with pride to speak them.
Jotted down I wrote the next few words to bring inner peace; to presuppose is bad, but to judge me is even worse, so sometI'mes and all the tI'me don't judge me for being me.
And when it all sinks in I hope my words prevail; hoping that you inhale what I'm saying then when I'm done exhale with peace.


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