Unfair. | Teen Ink


February 26, 2012
By marissasmiles BRONZE, Toronto, Other
marissasmiles BRONZE, Toronto, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live as if there's no second chances.

If I'm trying to keep it together
Maybe I'm not doing it right.
Maybe it would be better
If I kept it out of sight.

My smile is genuine
I'm walking tall.
Why take it upon yourself,
To try and make me feel small?

I don't judge you
So what's your deal with me?
I stopped trying
So why don't you let me free?

They tell me you're not worth it
Deep down I know it's true
But I can't help the feeling
I was close to knowing you.

Where did I go wrong
This ignorance isn't bliss
What did I do to you
That makes you think I deserve this?

Would've been there had you needed it.
Would not have shied away
But now you'll end with no one.
And there's nothing you can say.

It could go on forever
I tried to stop it quickly
But you're just so persistent,
& Your attempts are really just so sickly.

My smile will not fade
There's always a reason it should be there.
My stance will not shrink.
Because you're just being unfair.

The author's comments:
Sometimes the world is imperfect, and there's people that make it that way. You can't let them bring you down too long.


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