I Find Myself Thinking | Teen Ink

I Find Myself Thinking

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I find myself thinking
As I stroll down the hallway
The students bring scenes of jungle chaos to my mind
Students fight 'til the death
A teacher scrambles
Picks up pencils, grading book, car keys, coffee mug
Half full of scolding liquid
Gets bumped by a student
Student runs away, catching up with his friends
Doesn't offer a hand, or even condolences
Teacher looks onward
From her sad eyes
Tears form in the corners
Teacher stays kneeling
The floor digs into the knees, leaving an impression
Coffee drips from the rim of the mug
Red, black, blue, white shoes flee the scene
Drip Drip Drip
Teacher bursts into tears
Gets up off the floor
Leaves the building
Strolls down the walkway

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