She Gave Up | Teen Ink

She Gave Up

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Black Mascara Tears Fall
From Eyes Of Ocean Blue
Ripping Back The Blood Red Curtains
Of Her Broken Heart
So The Whole World Finally Knew
She Gave Up...

She Lay Trapped In The Tribulation
Of His Psychotic Abuse
In Anguish And Melancholy She Bore
His Fabricated World
Praying In Vain. It Was No Use
She Gave Up....

Blinded By Angels Of Darkness
Malevolent And Cunning In Their Ways
Convinced Her To Stay, He Would Change
Praying The Wrong Prayer
More Depressed Every Day
She Gave Up...

A Father By Nature Is To Love His Daughter
To Him She Is Queen Of The World
He Neglected His Parental Duties
He Used Her...His Tool
Eyes of Resentment Towards Her He Hurled
She Gave up...

Threatened Her Life From Day To Day
It Was Hopeless, She Had To Flee
She Longed For Freedom
From His Sinister Ways
To Reside In Liberty
She REFUSED To Give Up...

A Battle Fought And Won
...But Lost Anyway...
Having Never Obtained
A Fathers Unconditional Love
That Would Never Be...Ok
There Was Nothing To Give Up...

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